
This is a pretty simply method for sending email using a Domain Name with a free Gmail Account

Step 1 - Registered for a Gmail Account

If you don’t have a Gmail account already or want to separate your domain name emails to another Gmail account because it’s a business account, register for one.

Register Gmail Account

Step 2 - Register a Domain Name

You will want to make sure you register a Domain Name if you haven’t already. You can find a Domain Name Registrar on our Domain Names list.

Domain Names

We suggest looking for a Domain Name registrar that provides email forwarding.

Step 3 - Find a Email Forwarding Service

If you don’t already have email forwarding with your Domain Name registrar. Then you’ll need to find one, there is a list of services that provide Email Forwarding on our Email Services Page.

Email Services

Step 4 - Setup Gmail Send As

Once you have email forwarding setup, and can receive email. You now need to setup your Gmail account to send using your new domain name. has a great guide on how to accomplish this!

How to Send Mail as using Gmail